Drawing by Mark Vallen

"Zapata's Revenge"
Mark Vallen 1994
Color pencil - 10" x 8" inches

Buy this drawing on Saatchi Art.

Artist's statement:

"I created this portrait of Emiliano Zapata in 1994 soon after the modern Zapatista rebel uprising in Mexico's state of Chiapas. My artwork was eventually published as a book cover for Author Tom Barry's Zapata's Revenge [South End Press 1995].

The question of revolution in Mexico had come full circle for me in a very personal way. My Uncle had fought as a young boy in the Mexican revolution under Zapata. Now, many decades later - other people of corn have stepped forward to fulfill Zapata's bold vision."

www.art-for-a-change.com is owned and operated by Mark Vallen © All artworks and text by Mark Vallen.