Oil painting by Mark Vallen Oil painting by Mark Vallen
Oil painting by Mark Vallen Oil painting by Mark Vallen
La Muerta - Oil painting by Mark Vallen, on display at CHICANO: Pronouncing Diversity

This Press Release was released on August 24th, 2006

CHICANO: Pronouncing Diversity
September 9th - November 4th, 2006
Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock California
Curated by Gilbert "Magú" Luján

The Center for the Arts in Eagle Rock California is proud to present, Chicano: Pronouncing Diversity, an exhibition celebrating the artworks of over forty established and emerging Chicano artists from across the greater
Los Angeles area.

Curated by Gilbert "Magú" Luján, the exhibit presents art refering to a complex cultural diversity and the process of constructive dialogue among artists.

Saturday Sept. 9th, 2006. 3 to 7 pm.

Meet the artists at this reception featuring the music of Conjunto Los Pochos. The exhibit will be surrounded by a sound art installation designed by the curator. Come and share in the discussions, surprises, and unique home-style food and drink! Luján, founder of the Mental Menudo Discussion Forum for Latino artists, describes the purpose of Pronouncing Diversity as follows:

"In the sixties, the Latino community mounted a challenge to being second-class citizens. This resulted in the use of the term 'Chicano' as a descriptive banner of defiance against racism, colonization and economic slavery. Many Spanish-speaking cultural groups in the U.S.A. who experienced similar difficult acculturation patterns joined in this multiple cultural-social attitude and movement. Since that time, significant social strides have been made, and Latinos have moved from isolated and insulated communities into mainstream society.

Our contemporary social circumstance suggests the need for a forum between those who experienced those previous cultural and political transformations and those who did not - or have not yet done so. Connecting our communities, especially artists, is thought to be a necessary objective for the building, and positive validation of our evolving social status. This Chicano art exhibit presents artworks that refer to a complex cultural diversity and to the Mental Menudo process of constructive dialogue among artists."

Directions & Contact Information

The Center for the Arts is located in Eagle Rock, California, at 2225 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90041. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 11 am to 6 pm and Saturdays, 10 am to 3 pm. Click here for a map giving directions to the Center. Contact: Jenny Krusoe at the Center, or phone: 323-226-1617.

Housed in a beautiful renovated library built in 1915, the seven-year old Center for the Arts specializes in exhibiting contemporary art, with a committment towards bringing arts programming into the community of Eagle Rock California through a variety of free festivals held in various locations.

The Center commissions temporary public art installations, and provides educational arts programming to underserved communities, in particular at-risk youth.

The Center for the Arts in Eagle Rock, California