
Traveling Anti-war Print Show

Los Angeles artist and printmaker John Carr organized the Yo! What Happened To Peace? traveling exhibit 2 years ago. The exhibit is a collection of contemporary anti-war prints “designed to spread the message of non-violence.” The exhibit was shown in Boston and New York during the Democratic and Republican conventions, and is now traveling overseas. What makes the exhibit unusual…

The “Art” of Vandalism

On this web log I often rebuke the excesses of postmodernist artists, excoriate the state of modern day art, and berate the apolitical intellectuals and art critics who justify and praise every inane and dim-witted act carried out in the name of art. It seems that almost every day we read about yet another imbecile whose “artworks” exemplify the utter…

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Fernando Botero Paints Abu Ghraib

Many people are familiar with the artworks of famed Colombian artist, Fernando Botero. Even those who have never paid a visit to a gallery or museum have most likely seen Botero’s paintings reproduced as poster prints and postcards. His characteristically joyful landscapes and scenes peopled with contented individuals have won the hearts of millions around the world. The 73-year-old artist…

Secret Service Visits Art Show

Axis of Evil, the Secret History of Sin, a group show at the Columbia College Chicago Glass Curtain Gallery, was visited by Secret Service agents who photographed artworks and asked the museum director for the names and phone numbers of all participating artists. The Columbia group exhibition is made up of submissions from 47 artists from 11 countries. The exhibit’s…

The Right to Art Manifesto

Part of the mission of my Art For A Change web log is to invigorate the arts scene, turning it from its isolation and lethargy to a newfound engagement. Here’s a bit of news artists around the world should take note of, particularly those living in the United States who insist that art should remain detached from social action. Professional…