The AI Ayatollah
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The AI Ayatollah

I viewed a Telegram video on June 22, 2024 that showed militant anti-Israel protesters taking over the Brooklyn Museum in New York City on May 31, 2024. At the actual May demonstration, pro-Palestinian crowds seized the museum lobby and hung a gigantic black banner from the pediment over the entry way that read: “Free Palestine-Divest From Genocide.” The June video…


Vallen: Under the Big Black Sun

My 1980 silkscreen print, Whatever Happened To The Future!, is included in Under the Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981, at the Geffen Contemporary at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles. My print was created at the height of the Cold War when nuclear war with the Soviet Union seemed a distinct possibility. Originally conceived as a street…

The Spectacle of Artistic Decomposition

“The spectacle… in ideology, art and culture, turns the wolves of spontaneity into the sheepdogs of knowledge and beauty. Literary anthologies are replete with insurrectionary writings, the museums with calls to arms. But history does such a good job of pickling them in perpetuity that we can neither see nor hear them. ln this area, however, consumer society performs a…