Patrick Henry: March 23, 1775

Patrick Henry: March 23, 1775

In 1774 Patrick Henry was a delegate to the Continental Congress held in Philadelphia. Along with his associate Samuel Adams (founder of the Sons of Liberty in Boston), they agitated for a war of Independence against Great Britain. As the Continental Congress proceeded, Patrick Henry rallied the colonists to unite against British rule, he proclaimed: “The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians,…

Macron, We Give You May ’68

Macron, We Give You May ’68

Today’s chaos in France evokes vivid memories of President Charles de Gaulle repressing the student and worker rebellion of Paris, May 1968. As you may or may not know, French President Emmanuel Macron used Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to ram a bill through the National Assembly without giving the Parliament the right to vote on it. That bill…

Eco-Vandals Attack German Constitution Monument

Eco-Vandals Attack German Constitution Monument

On March 4, 2023, six eco-extremists from Die Letzte Generation (The Last Generation), attacked the monument to the German constitution that sits just outside of the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament. The story went largely unreported by the US corporate media. The radicals raided the Grundgesetz 49 (Basic Law 49) art installation located in front of the parliament building that is known…


NATO, Han Solo, and the Death Star

When I first saw the bizarre dispatch from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that was circulating on the internet, I thought it was fake, so I checked the official NATO Twitter account. The communique was there, beaming with all the pride the military alliance could muster. The quirky missive read: “Ukraine is hosting one of the great epics of…